

Burger's Medicinal Chemistry And Drug Discovery, Volume 2, Drug Discovery And Drug Development, 6th Edition

Book Summary of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry And Drug Discovery, Volume 2, Drug Discovery And Drug Development, 6th Edition

This Sixth Edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery has been expanded to six volumes: 
Volume 1: Drug Discovery
Volume 2: Drug Discovery and Drug Development
Volume 3: Cardiovascular Agents and Endocrines
Volume 4: Autocoids, Diagnostics, and Drugs from New Biology
Volume 5: Chemotherapeutic Agents
Volume 6: Nervous System Agents 
This is Volume 2: Drug Discovery and Drug Development, of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, 6th Edition. This new volume contains critical new chapters on Combinational Chemistry and Multiple Parallel Synthesis, High Throughput Pharmacology, and Retrometabolism-Based Drug Design and Targeting.

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