IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicants must remember User’s Name and Password. If you forget, then all other important information and further processing will remain inaccessible to you when you login again. Your User Name & Password must be unique with minimum seven (07) alphanumeric characters. Do not use your mobile number as password.
Step A: Entering the system (login)
Click on the icon ‘ONLINE Registration’ in the website.
The ‘login’ menu will open. Click on the ‘For New User’ icon. The page for ‘Registration form for GPAT2011 will appear on screen.
Step B: Filling the Application Form
Type User Name and Password in the given space and reenter the Password again in the provided space.
Name of the Candidate: Type your name as given in the 10th Class certificate. In case the name is long, you may use abbreviations of your initials. Do not use full stops after abbreviations. You may give spacing (the name and spacing must not exceed 30 characters in total).
Date of Birth: Use ‘scroll down’ for filling the required numbers of date, month and year.
Name of the Parent/Guardian to the candidate: Choose appropriate relation Father, Mother or Guardian.
Nationality: Choose appropriate Nationality as applicable.
Gender: Choose ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ as appropriate.
Category: Select the category as applicable.
Person with disability (PD): ‘Yes’ to be filled only by those applicants having physical disability certificate.
Do you require a scribe: This is applicable only for PD candidates. If you are unable physically to write your examination then you may opt for a scribe (writer) and choose ‘Yes’. For others (other than PD candidates) this is not applicable.
State/Union territory in which your college/institute is located: Choose appropriate State/UT, where you are studying/studied from the scroll down menu.
Choice of Examination City 1: Choose appropriate city from the ‘scroll down’ menu as the first choice city as your examination center.
Choice of Examination City 2: Choose appropriate second choice of city from the ‘scroll down’ menu. Examination City 1 and City 2 must be different.
Year of qualifying exam: Choose appropriate year of qualifying B. Pharmacy degree from the ‘scroll down’ menu. If you are in Final year B. Pharmacy then chooses 2011.
Ø Address: Type only your full corresponding address (except for city and Pin code) using the three rows with not more than 30 characters in each row. At least TWO ROWS must be filled. Do not write your name here in any of the rows.
Ø City: Type the name of the city in the blank space.
Ø Pin/Zip Code: Type appropriate city pin code (not more than six characters).
Ø E-mail Address: Type your E-mail Id. This is optional.
Ø Landline No. with STD code; Type your phone number (not exceeding 11 characters)
Ø Mobile Number: Type your mobile number (not exceeding 11 characters)
After completing all the entries, press the button ‘Register Me’. If there is some mistake in filling the application form it will be indicated by a warning in red color near the appropriate boxes. In absence of such warning, your process of filling of the application form is correct. You can recheck all your entries again to sure sure.
As soon as you complete the entries and all your entries are correct, under the line ‘Conformation about information filled by you in the online form is correct?’, there is an icon which has ‘No’ by default. Choose ‘Yes’ by the drop down menu.
Click ‘Register Me’ beside the above given line. Bank challan will appear on the screen (Specimen A).
Step C: Printing of Bank Challan and making payment in the Bank
Take a print out of the Bank challan by clicking the ‘Print’ command in the main menu.
Check that your personal details in the bank challan are correct.
After taking the print out of the bank challan, ‘logout’ by clicking the closure (X) button.
Take the print out of the bank challan to the nearest available branch of Bank of Baroda (No other bank is authorized to collect the application fee) in your city. Make appropriate payments (Rs. 1000/- for ‘General’ and ‘OBC’ category and Rs. 500/- for SC/ST/PD), as printed in the challan.
Ask the bank staff to write ‘SOL Id’ of the Bank branch and the ‘Transaction Number’ at appropriate places (SOL Id and Transaction No. must be written on all the three copies of the bank challan)
Bank will retain its copy and will hand over the other two copies i.e. GPAT’s copy and the Candidates copy to you.
Step D: Filling Bank details in the Application Form
Once you have made the bank payments and obtained the duly endorsed challan by the bank, once again ‘login’ into the system by clicking the ‘ONLINE Registration’ button on the website and putting ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ under ‘Login for existing user’. Click ‘Login’ button.
A new page will appear having three options as given under:
Ø ‘Update payment details after paying application fee’
Ø ‘Print Application form’
Ø ‘Prepare Bank challan to pay fee’.[The above two are optional and to be operated when you fail to print the Bank challan in No. 1 (Step C) or the ‘Application Form’ as per your requirement].
In case you fail to take copy of the Bank challan due to some reason, then you can take again the copy of the bank challan by clicking the line ‘Prepare Bank Challan to pay fee’. Otherwise, this line is not to be clicked.
Click ‘Print Application Form’. The filled application form will appear on the screen (Specimen B).
Type the ‘SOL Id’, ‘Transaction Number’ as given in the bank challan and Date of payment, in the Application Form in the given blocks.
Click the button ‘Update Bank details’.
If there is some warning in red letters then correct the information and again click the button ‘Update Bank details’. A new page showing the ‘Application Form’ with all details will appear on screen.
Step E: Taking a print out of the Application Form
Take a print out of the Application form on a good quality A4 size thick paper by clicking ‘Print’ button from the main menu.
In case you fail to take a print out of the completed application form, then you can access the application form by ‘login’ again.
Step F: Completing the Application Form and sending to GPAT Office
Write your name and application number on the ‘Back side’ of the recent passport size colored photograph. Do not write any thing on the front side of the photograph. The photograph must have been taken after December 2010.
Paste (do not staple) the above photograph in the block provided in the printed application form.
Put your signature within the box provided for this purpose just below the photograph.
Put the same signature in the ‘Undertaking’ block also. ‘Use black ball point pen only’ for signatures at both the places (Specimen C).
Your signatures must be in full and MUST NOT be in capital letters. Remember, your signatures will be matched at the time when you appear in the examination.
Keep a photocopy of the completed Application Form for your record.
Send the ‘Original’ (not the photocopy) completed Application form along with the Bank challan (original GPAT copy) in a good quality A4 size envelop without folding it (do not fold the Application form also) by Speed Post/Regd. Post/in person to:
The Co-ordinator
GPAT Examination Cell
The M. S. University of Baroda
Shri G. H. Patel Pharmacy Building
Donors’ Plaza, Fatehganj
Vadodara-390 002
Write clearly ‘DO NOT FOLD’ on the envelop, GPAT Office address and the Sender’s Name and Address
1. Back side of the photograph bears your name and application number YES
2. Paste the photograph (DO NOT STAPLE) in the block provided YES
3. Put full signatures in the box just below the photograph YES
4. Put the same signatures below the Undertaking YES
5. Retain a photocopy of the completed application form for your record YES
6. Send Original Bank challan (GPAT copy) along with the application form YES
7. Unfolded Application form sent in an A4 sized envelop to GPAT Office address YES
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