


CSIR-Research Grants
Research Fellowships & Associateships


A large number of JRFs are awarded each year by CSIR to candidates holding  BS-4 years program/BE/B. Tech/B. Pharma/MBBS/ Integrated BS-MS/M.Sc. or Equivalent degree/BSc (Hons) or equivalent degree holders  or students enrolled in integrated MS-Ph.D program with at least 55% marks for General & OBC (50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates) after qualifying the National Eligibility Test ( NET) conducted by CSIR twice a year June and December.  
Candidates with bachelor’s degree, whether Science, engineering or any other discipline, will be eligible for fellowship only after getting registered/enrolled for Ph.D/integrated Ph.D. programme within the validity period of two years.
Candidate enrolled for M.Sc. or having completed 10+2+3 years of the above qualifying examination are also eligible to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category.
On-line applications for JRF-NET are invited twice a year on all India basis through press advertisement. The information with respect to inviting applications is also made available on HRDG website (
             AGE LIMIT
The upper age limit for applying for the award of JRF shall be 28 years, which is relaxed upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/Schedule Tribes/OBC, Physically Handicapped/Visually Handicapped and female applicants.
The Selection for award of JRF shall be made on the basis of a competitive written test called the National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by CSIR at national level twice a year in the following areas (1) Chemical Sciences (2) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences (3) Life Sciences, (4) Mathematical Sciences, (5) Physical Sciences, and (6) Engineering Sciences. From June 2011, CSIR has introduced a Single MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) Paper based test comprising of three parts. Part-A shall be common to all subjects comprising question on General Science and Research Aptitude. Part-B shall contain subject-related conventional MCQ and Part-C shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. Negative marking for wrong answers shall be done.
The candidates who qualify the test are informed individually. The Fellowship is awarded on receipt of necessary details of the qualifying degree examination, proposed place of research work, research topic, the name of supervisor and the concurrence of the Institution to provide all the necessary facilities. The validity of the offer of the JRF award is two years and will not be extendable.
JRF-NET qualified Graduate Candidates 
Candidates with bachelor’s degree, whether Science, engineering or any other discipline, will be eligible for fellowship only after getting registered/enrolled for Ph.D/Integrated Ph.D. programme {Ph.D proforma Download from here} within the validity period of two years.
JRF-NET qualified Postgraduate Candidates 
CSIR Junior Research Fellows should register for PhD within a period of two years {Ph.D proforma Download from here} from the date of joining their fellowship, failing which the fellowship may be terminated. In exceptional circumstances, CSIR may consider giving extension for an additional period of one year. During the extended period, the Junior Research Fellowship will, however, not be upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship.  If at the end of 3rd year also, the fellow is not registered for PhD, the fellowship will be terminated.
The Fellowship shall stand terminated from the date of PhD viva-voce or from the date the Fellow resigns and his/her resignation has been accepted by CSIR or on completion of tenure. The fellowship may also be terminated if the institution where it is tenable refuses to provide facilities to the fellow on disciplinary grounds and so informs CSIR.
          STIPEND & TENURE
            i.    The stipend of a JRF selected through CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) will be Rs 25,000/ p.m for the first two years. In addition, annual contingent grant of Rs. 20,000/- per fellow will be provided to  the University / Institution. The guidelines for utilization of contingent grant are given in Annexure–II
          ii.    On Completion of two years as JRF and if the fellow is registered for PhD, the fellowship will be upgraded to SRF (NET) and the stipend will be increased to Rs. 28,000/- p.m for the 3rd and subsequent years, on the basis of assessment of Fellows’ research progress/ achievements through interview by an Expert Committee consisting of the Guide, Head of the Department and External Member from outside the University/ Institution who is an expert in the relevant field, not below the rank of Professor/ Associate Professor.
A certain number of SRFs will be awarded each year by CSIR directly to those possessing the following qualification and experience:
MSc/BE/BTech or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least two years of post MSc/BE/BTech research experience;
MTech/ME or equivalent degree in engineering/technology with at least 60% marks;
BE/BTech or equivalent degree with at least 60% marks and two years research experience as on the last date of application;
MBBS/BDS or equivalent with at least 60% marks and one year internship;
BPharm/BVSc/BSc(Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least three years research experience;
MPharm/MVSc/MSc(Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least one year research experience.

       AGE LIMIT
The upper age limit for applying for the award of SRF shall be 32 years. The upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years in case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes/Scheduled Tribes/OBC, physically handicapped and female applicants.
On-line Applications for SRF are invited every year on all India basis through press advertisement. The information with respect to inviting applications is also made available on our website Applicants are required to apply on-line and the hard copy of this on-line application duly completed and forwarded through the proposed Supervisor and Head of the Department/Institution and should be submitted within the prescribed date.
Selection will be made through interview whereby the assessment of academic record and published/project work is tested by discipline-wise high-level expert Committees.
Merely fulfilling of eligibility criteria may not entitle a candidate for being called for interview. Candidates will be called for interview after screening on the basis of criteria adopted by CSIR depending on the number of fellowships available. CSIR reserves the right to call or not to call a candidate for interview.
The validity of the award letter shall be six months from the date mentioned in the award letter. No extension beyond six months will be considered. Decision of CSIR in matters of selection for interview or for award of Fellowships etc. shall be final and binding on the candidate.
The tenure of SRF will initially be 2 years. Extension of tenure for the 3rd year will be issued by EMR Division of HRDG (CSIR) after receiving the recommendation of three member Expert Committee consisting of Guide, Head of Department and External Member  from outside the University/ Institution who is an expert in the relevant field, not below the rank of Professor/Associate Professor and duly supported by detailed progress report (Annexure-IV) and publications in the form of reprints/preprints/ manuscripts or paper communicated for publication (Annexure-V).
A SRF in a science/engineering/medical & pharmaceutical, veterinary discipline is entitled to a stipend of Rs.28,000/- pm for the entire tenure of fellowship.
For additional details please check the below link

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